Discover our range of Bioflow magnetic therapy products. From traditional stylish bracelets to durable sport wristbands, you can easily find a piece to suit your style. We even take care of your pet.

Each Bioflow product contains our unique and powerful Central Reverse Polarity magnets, bringing you the ultimate magnetic therapy accessory.

How began

It was in 1995 that Nigel Broderick, the inventor of the unique Bioflow magnets first made his discovery, while working with his fuel saving product for motor vehicles.

He developed the “Central Reverse Polarity Magnet” after one of his staff commented that by keeping the fuel saver magnet in their pocket in between presenting the product to potential customers for a period of a week, the pain in their knees had been greatly reduced.

He then worked on a number of designs, which at first were not very effective, until he arranged the poles of the magnet in such a way that the magnet reproduced the same action of electromagnetic equipment, which is used so successfully by physiotherapists. He called this design “Central Reverse Polarity”.

My Experience

I was involved in dog sports for 28 years and in 1997, I visited the Crufts dog show in England, and purchased a Bioflow dog collar for Jock, my 13-year old border collie, who was suffering with very bad arthritis in his left hip. He had been on a painkiller every day for the previous 2 years and would drag his left leg after getting up for at least 20 paces.

“I was very skeptical about the collar, and decided to stop the painkillers the day I put the Bioflow on so that I was putting the Bioflow to ‘the real test”

In 20 days, Jock was running around with my younger dogs enjoying life again and the dragging of his leg went away completely after 2 months.  I then purchased another Bioflow for my 15 year old border collie, Susie, who had spondylosis and had to be helped up and down our steps, every time she needed to go outside. Within a month, Susie was able to climb the steps unaided and had a new lease of life.

She lived to 18 years 4 months and Jock to 17 years and their mobility was still very good for dogs of that age. After that all my dogs, even the young ones, wore Bioflow collars, as a preventative measure. Many of them competed in dog agility, so their bones and muscles, took more strain than non-working dogs. They were all in peak physical condition and their recovery rate after an agility competition was excellent.  Four of them competed internationally at the Agility World Championships and one became a three time South African and International Agility Champion.

I have been wearing a Bioflow since 1997. It helped me to keep fit and healthy when I competed seriously in dog agility and also in my recuperation after I had a major jaw operation and hysterectomy.  We have sold thousands of Bioflow products since 1997 in South Africa and our customers keep coming back to buy another Bioflow when they need replacing, as their aches and pains come back after they haven’t been wearing their Bioflow for two weeks. That’s the best proof to show the product works.